What Is Going On?

The County is undertaking a Municipal Comprehensive Review (MCR) in accordance with the Provincial Growth Plan, A Place to Grow: Growth plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (Office Consolidation 2020), as mandated by the Provincial Government.

What Is An MCR?

The MCR is a specific planning process used to bring an Official Plan (OP) into conformity with the Growth Plan. The intent of an MCR is to establish the ov​erall pattern of development and environmental management in the County. The MCR is the foundation for more detailed local planning.

Who Is Affected?

The MCR will apply to the 16 Local Area Municipalities in the County, and excludes the Cities of Barrie and Orillia, both of which are separated Cities.

What Is Involved?

Numerous policy matters are impacted by the MCR and will result in updates to the County OP. Growth management is impacted, because the County is required by the Province to plan for a population of 555,000 and 198,000 jobs by 2051 vs. the 2041 population projections which were less. The Land Needs Assessment is key to determining how much growth can be accommodated in the existing settlement areas and whether additional land is needed.

The MCR will also review, report, and recommend on Provincial policies and plans on the following matters:

  • refinements to the provincial natural heritage system;
  • refinements to the provincial agricultural land base;
  • growth management;
  • employment;
  • climate change; and
  • watershed management.

Who Is In Charge?

Hemson Consulting has been awarded the contract to lead the stakeholders through the process.

To date, Hemson as the lead consultant, has put together a multi-disciplinary team of professionals to address the various components of the MCR as follows:

  1. Provincial Natural Heritage System Review and Refinement – North South Environmental Inc.
  2. Provincial Agricultural System Review and Refinement – DBH Soil Services Inc.
  3. Employment Strategy – Hemson Consulting and Cushman Wakefield
  4. Climate Change Strategy – Hemson Consulting and Laura Taylor Designs
  5. Watershed Management Strategy – Wood Environmental & Infrastructure Solutions Inc.
  6. Growth Management – Hemson Consulting
  7. County Official Plan Amendment(s) – Meridian Planning
  8. Communications Strategy – The Planning Partnership, Meridian Planning, and Nbisiing Consulting

What Work Will Be Undertaken?

The work includes various technical studies. The work for each of the technical studies will be done in three phases. Phase 1 includes the review of existing information, including mapping. Phase 2 includes refinements to mapping and preparing draft recommendations. Phase 3 includes the preparation of the topic specific technical reports that will include final recommendations and mapping. The technical studies will be prepared in collaboration with the local area municipalities, the public and stakeholders.​

When The Work Is Done, Then What?

The MCR will be implemented through a County Official Plan Amendment or Amendments, with each having to be approved by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, after first being adopted by County Council. 

How Will The Work Be Implemented?

The MCR will be completed by working collaboratively with County staff. Engagement during the MCR process will ensure that the Province, Local Area Municipalities, Indigenous communities, County Council, Conservation Authorities, the general public, and other stakeholders are informed of ongoing work and technical reports and material as it becomes available.  Stakeholders will be involved throughout the MCR to understand and review the mapping and recommendations from the various technical inputs.

When Will The MCR Be Complete?

July 2022.


Has affordability become an oxymoron in the Province of Ontario?

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